Monday, February 28, 2011

Invocation Prayer Debutante

contest, this time with me :-)

So, my dears!

As previously announced, there is now a draw.
It's about the chocolate photo from the Photo Gifts Personello provider.

No, not my table * ggg * - You must you already make their own :-)

The rules are simple:
  1. You must be a regular reader of my blog or (google friends connect networked or blog).
  2. Just leave me a comment with the name with which you persecute me here and choose which chocolate you would. And, preferably, an e-mail address so I can give you informed in case of win. (1 lot)
  3. Writes about the contest in your blog or on Facebook, but so that I can read it (that is shared by all) and I set the links or the links in the comment. (Per 1 lot)
Participants can thus max. 3 lots obtained.
Out Lost, either manually or with a delicate twin hands of the usual random-like fruit machine or
The contest goes until 03.05.2011, 20:00 clock. (Thanks to Carol for pointing :-))

And if by then 75 permanent reader - have found (a total of everything else would be even for my imagination to utopian), I let my mind yet another award which is then also directly or by giving away.

Did I just thought of everything?

Have fun!


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